Thursday, October 22, 2009

Virus Attack

NAME : NURHASAN (08211210078)

Virus Attack

Today they are many variants of virus. Some of the people maybe consider it is not important and nothing in their mind. But for me it can be an annoy shape, even it has once made my notebook and my PC an “ERROR”, it suck. On that ground I am always play safe when I am using computer in a rental. I have some tips for you.
1. The first thing what should you do is with checking a security program on it, and then make sure that security is up to date. Believe me! Because this is the most important things you have to know. The security program or virus protected is never useful or not work well if you not to make it updates, like a dead man or a centerpiece on your PC wall.
2. If you have a USB or flash disc, put a software program like USB VACSINE or SMADAV LOCK to protect the autorun.inf in your USB. That is a free software and you can get it at or any site, but I am always use this site because it is easier you just need types the word on Box search, click and wait for a few minute.

What is autorun.inf…?
This is a script or an order to make the VIRUS in and run on your PC, laptop and notebook.

Who is makes the VIRUS…?
Good questions. Honestly I never know what they aim. People called them HACKER. They are a smart people, deplorable! Why they made it for the criminal.

What is the best software for virus protection…?
You have to know if there are many software virus protection now such as: SYMANTEC, AVG, SMADAV, ANSAV, MAC AV, PC MEDIA, and any others.
But just what I said on the top list, they would not useful if you did not make them up to date and like “centerpiece”.
Based on my experience. Please use two security software of them, I suggest to couple Symantec with Smadav. Why?
Symantec will work and checked the foreign virus and Smadav will protect from local virus.

Last but not least. Try to appreciate INFORMATION. the lovers of technology

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